Saturday, July 09, 2005


Mature Content - Adult Language

June has given way to July and the "June Bugs" are waning as more families are arriving for their summer vacations. This can make for a somewhat volatile mix on the bus. I had a pretty full load of passengers on a northbound trip last night. There were several families with small children making their way back from an evening on the boardwalk. Mixed in among them were a bunch of June bugs who had been out drinking and partying. Somewhere in the back of the bus there was a very loud foul-mouthed girl. I couldn't see her because there were quite a few people standing in the aisle of the bus. But I certainly could hear her as she ranted, "f***" this and "f***" that. Some of the passengers back there started to tell her to watch her mouth because there were children on the bus. It made no difference to her. She just kept on going. Popular sentiment being against her, I knew I could get rid of this little sweetheart without even getting out of my seat. I made the stop at 16th Street and announced on the P.A., "This is 16. And the girl with the limited vocabulary back there, this is your stop. You passengers back there, please let me know when she goes out that back door because I'm not moving this bus until she is gone." The people back there immediately started yelling at her, "Get out! Get out!" At first she resisted, saying "I paid my f***ing two dollars. I don't have to get off this f***ing bus." But the crowd was too much for her and she either quickly gave up or her friends dragged her off of the bus in fear of the swelling opposition. She was kind enough to wave good-bye to me as she and her friends walked past the bus on the sidewalk. I got a squatting, two-fisted, middle finger salute with the tongue sticking out. Cute girl --- reminded me of a gargoyle. I said to my remaining passengers, "That little princess is going to make some lucky young man very happy one day." They laughed and clapped as we drove on to the next stop.

I am finally caught up, and I am loving the Blog!!! I don't understand where the update is for the past 10 days. Slacking?

I might have to ride the bus so that I can try the flip! Interestingly, that was posted on my birthday. (40th I might add) Seems like an invitation to me.
Sometimes a "live wire" can make a trip more interesting for everyone..but in this case it gets ugly when the crowd turns on the one hot dogg'in it. You handled it well with your comment after she got off.
Hey bill...
Yeah I can agree with "spluck"
I like your way you handle that uneducated kid.
We need more of you :)
Hey Bill, Thanks for your blogsite.

I thought bus drivers had a sweet deal but I know different now :)
Sheila McC
Below FYI- in case you get your own site

People spend a lot of time thinking up their children's names. It's just a pity they don't always think as hard about their domain names. The following domains are real - Oh dear!

Firstly there is Who Represents, a database for agencies to the rich and famous:

Second is the Experts Exchange, a knowledge base where programmers can exchange advice and views:

Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island:

Need a therapist? Try:

Finally we have the Mole Station Native Nursery, based in New South Wales:
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