Monday, June 13, 2005


Please Talk Nicely to Your Driver

Why do some people think it is perfectly acceptable to verbally abuse another person? A passenger boarded my bus with a five dollar bill in his hand. "The fare is two dollars please. I'm sorry, I don't give change." "What? Well that's [explicative deleted] up! How many people have exact change?" I looked at my passenger counter. "Five hundred and twenty-three so far." He turns back to his friends, "Hey, it's two dollars and this [explicative deleted] won't give me change. Give me a one and I'll pay for all three of us." His buddy gives him the one and he stuffs the six dollars into the fare box. "Here [explicative deleted]! That's for three of us." "That's great. But you are not going to talk that way to me and expect to ride on my bus. Now step off of the bus." "Give me my [explicative deleted] money back!" "Sorry, I can't get it out of the fare box. Here's your three tickets. Use them to ride the next bus."

Bye-bye [explicative deleted].

Nice family blog you have here.
Yes, I'm trying my best to keep it "G Rated," suitable for all audiences.
Shakespeare said:

What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form, in moving, how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals!
Obviously the old "Bard of Avon" spent a little too much time indoors at his desk. Perhaps he should have gotten out more!
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