Friday, May 27, 2005


An "R-Tic" . . . R U kidding me?

I omitted a small part of the story from Monday's shift. As I said, I put 100 miles on the bus and had no problems at all . . . until the last 10 feet! (3 meters, for my European readers.) I was parking the bus in the yard and I crashed into another bus ! ! ! I didn't damage the other bus but I put a dent and some scratches in my bus. It was three-o'clock in the morning, nobody saw me, and the damage was minor. Since most of the buses are banged up and scratched up, I probably could have gotten away with saying nothing. Of course, I couldn't do that. I went into the dispatcher and said, "I crashed the bus." She just nonchalantly handed me an accident report to fill out. I filled it out and punched out and went home. I was off the next two days and expected to receive a phone call from a supervisor about the accident. Tuesday - nothing. Wednesday - nothing. Thursday I returned to work. I had a sudden anxiety attack while riding to work. I thought I might walk in and find out that I was suspended and taken off of the schedule pending investigation of the accident. Nope! It was as if nothing ever happened. So, I drove Thursday night. Again, about 100 miles (160 km, for my European readers) - and this time, no crashes! Believe me, I was driving like a turtle in that yard.
Now it's Friday and the telephone rings. "Hello?" "Hello, Bill, this is Jim." Uh-ohhhh, the Operations Supervisor . . . this is it! "I'm looking for people to train to drive the R-Tics and I think you can handle it. Are you interested?" "Huh? Wha...? Sure, I can do that." Does he know I crashed the 40-foot bus? And now he wants me to drive the 60-foot articulating bus?
"OK, great. Come in on Tuesday morning and we'll get you started on the training." "OK, thanks. See you Tuesday."
Here's a photo I found on-line of an R-Tic:

More tomorrow!

Maybe if you don't show up one day, he'll give you a raise!
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