Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Monday, 8:00pm to 4:00am shift

A pretty quiet night. Put 100 miles on the bus but only had about 70 passengers. Had a few memorable customers. Two middle-aged couples who were out together for drinks, and obviously had overdone it, were quite loud and obnoxious. I made a few comments which they thought were hilarious. As they got off of the bus, they exclaimed, "We'll see you tomorrow!" My deadpan reply was, "Can't wait." Laughter again. (I guess this must be why they serve alcohol in comedy clubs.) I spoke to a girl from Thailand. She was finishing up three months of working here and getting ready to go back home for school --- exactly the opposite of what I was expecting to hear. Most students are finishing school now and preparing to come here to work for the summer. The schedule must be different in Thailand. And finally, a 42-year-old guy named Phillip who told some bizarre stories about how he lost his fortune due to a conspiracy against him involving everyone from church officials to high ranking politicians in Washington right down to the local police. I would like to talk to him some more but I'm not sure I'll be seeing him again. He says he is just about out of money and he is waiting for a bus ticket from his aunt to get back home. We'll see about that.
My regular work week will be Thursdays through Mondays, so now I am off until Thursday.

Bill, I think you could start a novel based on the characters you've met so far!
Phillip sounds like a cooooool guy!
Can't imagine the Senior Week stories you will have!!
Wow! Phil looks like a... lunatic but yet cool guy! You should try making friends with him L00L
I put 100 miles on my car yesterday as well and I only had 3 passengers......my kids!! Good practice for a future job??
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